Upcoming Event

Upcoming event

At a critical time for customer management

Understanding how to approach AI will have a huge impact on your ability to implement AI that will deliver on its promise. We will be discussing how to prepare yourself and your organization for AI and AI powered tools within CX. How do we use these tools to deliver an outstanding customer experience?

🗓 October (Date to be announced)
⏲ 11 AM EST

We will focus on the following areas:

AI Automation in CX

Learn methodologies on how AI’s use your data and how to prepare your data lake to ensure high quality data for your AI’s.

Omnichannel AI

Explore all messaging channels & platforms, consolidate communications and transition from multichannel to an omni-enterprise.

Workforce Engagement

How to ensure that the adaptation of AI becomes an engaging element to your existing workforce.

Data Processing & Management

Learn methodologies on how AI’s use your data and how to prepare your data lake to ensure high quality data for your AI’s.

Customer Insight & Analytics

Combine big data with human insight, leverage analytics and insights into your customers behaviour to transform efficiencies & experience.

Rolf Adamson

The CEO and Founder of Nexcom, has over 25 years of experience in the Customer Experience (CX) industry. He has spent 6 years working with AI in CX, 8 years as an international consultant for more than 20 Fortune 500 companies, and completed an AI for business strategy course at MIT in 2019. Recognized for his innovative work, he was awarded “The Most Innovative CEO in the CX Space” by CIO Review magazine in 2021, highlighting his dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements within the CX industry.

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